24: Legacy is an American television series. The series is a spin-off of 24 tv Series. The show follows the life of war hero Eric Carter (Corey Hawkins) using real time method of narration.[4] Miranda Otto plays Rebecca Ingram, the former head of the now revived Counter Terrorist Unit in Washington, D.C. It begins with Carter, an ex–Army Ranger who has returned to America, and the trouble that follows him back, compelling him to ask CTU to save his life, and potentially stopping the largest terrorist attacks on American soil.
After leading a mission to eliminate terrorist leader Sheik Ibrahim Bin-Khalid, Eric Carter (Corey Hawkins) returns to the U.S. and finds out that he and his squad mates are targeted for assassination in retaliation for Bin-Khalid’s death. With nowhere else to turn, Carter asks CTU to help him save his life while also stopping one of the largest-scale terror attacks on American soil. The events take place three years after the events in 24: Live Another Day and is set in Washington, D.C