Gangland Undercover is an American factual based dramatelevision series. It was inspired by the story of Charles Falco, a former ATF confidential informant (C/S) who infiltrated an outlaw motorcycle gang.
The series tells the astonishing story of a drug dealer who was arrested then given a desperate ultimatum: serve over 20 years in jail, or go undercover inside one of America’s most notorious biker gangs. Charles Falco opted to go undercover and for the next three years he led a crazy and dangerous life infiltrating the Vagos motorcycle gang, collecting evidence while faced with the constant risk that he might be discovered and become one of the gang’s victims.
Season 2, Charles Falco is living a strange new life as a man with no identity in an unfamiliar town in Virginia. two years since his undercover infiltration of the Vagos biker gang. He’s desperately trying to piece together a new life, but fuelled by a restless unease and an inability to embrace his new world, he signs up for a new and more dangerous undercover operation that will put him on the front line of a violent war between several biker gangs. Before he knows it, he’s in over his head, and plunged into a world darker and more dangerous than anything he bargained for
The First season is based on Falco’s 2013 memoir, Vagos, Mongols, and Outlaws: My Infiltration of America’s Deadliest Biker Gangs